Master Mercy Matrix is a geometric optical illusion experimental animation film triptych embodying the essence of Trinity and geometrically relating it to the Tetractys and the Golden Number – Phi. The Holy Trinity of God as Father, Son and the Holy Spirit – portrayed by the Shield of Trinity – Scutum Fidei – alludes to the infinite number of existent triads and may be, following fractions of the same primordial nature, represented by the sephirah Tiphereth or its composite Zeir Anpin in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Hence, the film-triptych uses dynamic symmetry to disentangle the structure of the Kepler-Poinsot’s great stellated dodecahedron polyhedron, thus unveiling its concealed symbology as sacred yantras or mandalas denoting its geometrically proportional ratios and progressions of Phi. These conceptions are related with that of Trinity inasmuch as the ratio of three in Oneness is equivalent to the one of a decad within a trichotomy, being mirrored in Zeir Anpin as a Matrix of Mercy and Compassion such as the Admon Kadmon and its Eastern counterpart concept of Purusha’s sacrifices were later reflected in the personalities of Buddha, Jesus Christ and Muhammad.
Master Mercy Matrix
25 min. digital experimental optical illusion animation film triptych
written & directed by Margarida Sardinha
soundtrack & music by António Vilhena d’Andrade
photography, animation & image editing by Margarida Sardinha
voices by Vanessa Laird, Margarida Sardinha, Stephen Brennan, Gonçalo Mattos
Thus, the Master’s nature is related with ‘Mercy’ (Tiphereth) that being unique amongst the sephiroth, for it is connected to all other sephiroth (except for Malkut and Daath). In other words, all crossing over the middle path via Tiphereth results in a reversed polarity. The law of conservation of energy and mass tends to corroborate this for in all cases of energy transmutation, a sacrifice is necessary so a new form may be born. Consequently, the film reminds us of the transmutative individuality of the self and that it may follow the psychic foundation of the Masters, which is accessible to all as a collective unconscious substratum, and that mankind may find in the face of severe adversity from the current world crisis motivated by a corrupt and overly materialistic society, the strength to act on their example by being honest and brave in its individual sacrifices.
The Oriental occultists only recognise the Superior Triad and know it as Atma-Buddhi which is an “involucre” that contains and reflects the emanated light of the three in one – of the triple powered One – and the other seven inferior Sephiroth are considered “principles” beginning with the superior Manas and ending with the physical body – Malkuth – that embodies microcosmical Man in the macrocosm. The inductive gnoseological stage of the Masters is that of the intuitive knowledge expounded by a meta-deconstruction and a fractally recursive construction of signs and sounds repeated in a poetico-symbolic continuum. These Masters visionary and clairvoyant abilities, which channelled an omnipresent intelligence overlapping the conscious and the unconscious psychic multi-layered manifestations of consciousness served mankind through a selfless sacrifice in each case only compared to that of the myth of the Cosmic Man. The proto-sacrifice being the deconstruction of the Primordial Man whose fragments originated life and the universe itself, providing its derived triplicates, such as: the dynamic Kabbalistic Pillars of the Tree of Life (Severity, Equilibrium and Mercy), the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and the Holy Spirit) or the Hindu Trimurti (Creator, Preserver and Destroyer) were the result of a polarised Oneness.